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Wrap-Up Reflection

As excited as I am to go home, I am sad to leave a place where I can travel everywhere by bike and train. Being in cities that feel built for people is really inspiring. I never thought I would enjoy urban areas the way I’ve enjoyed the cities we’ve traveled to in The Netherlands. Building cities around people, with a focus on public space, accessibility, transportation, and many other aspects, is necessary to foster connection and happiness for the people living there. It just seems as if everything makes sense here. I experience life the way I want to here, without barriers to accessibility and planning.  Here are some less specific photos that did not make the cut for planned-out blog posts, but still deserve to be highlighted because there are so many amazing infrastructure additions that make the Netherlands an amazing place to cycle. First off, this gorgeous color and grade change makes moving from road to bike path easy and obviously demonstrates where different transportati...

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